
mengapakah dikau ??? =='

4:02 PTG
cik abg kamo knape ?sehat ta ? tolong ur jngn macam macam .bende kecik na besar besar kenape ?matang la sikit. jgn la na mara ta tentu pasal.fening kepale otak . tolong la paham !think positive please !sayang anda yang buchuk !ily. ...

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contest:: cool wif sunglass

5:13 PTG
ok sape nak hadiah?just follow ths simple rules je k:* mesti ada blog* be ths blog follower* and my contest blog as well* put ths banner in ur entry & side bar too(make sure both must b link back to ths page)* buat 1 entry wif da title *cool wif sunglass!*(1 pic pakai sunglass je ok..xmo banyak2)(ori or...

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Drop Dead Gorgeous Photo Contest

4:53 PTG
okay mira join contest nie.Yeah. I know I'm uglyah in the picture but whatever. Okay, before you enter this contest, understand the rules and regulations first.♥ You must follow my blog. If you don't, you are disqualified.♥ You must have a blog. If you don't hurry up and make one !♥ The photo must be original. Not taken...

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cuti sekolah !

3:47 PTG
holiday !mmg best holiday. tapi kalo g travel travel ke.ade bende yg boleh mnghilangkan boring pon best.tapi kalo holiday just dok uma mendap tauk.kan best g bercuti! arrrh lama suda ta g cuticuti.nak ajk mak n ayh skunk busy.kakak aq na kawen so bnyk bnde na buat.then dok uma jerlarh.nak ajk member out.. dorg tade plak kat sini.asal...

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